string out

英 [strɪŋ aʊt] 美 [strɪŋ aʊt]

网络  外移; 向外运球扯动; 控球并稍微从陷阱外移


  1. Think of yourself as a puppet with a string coming out of the top of your head.
  2. But the assertion is successful& even though$ string went out of scope.
  3. When the user is done with all the vehicles, you can simply form a JSON string out of that object and send it to the server by storing it in some hidden field.
  4. The reverse() method just reverses the order of the characters in the original string and prints out a message to show that it has been used.
  5. In this case, a global normal search using the Find what string of-should pick them out quite quickly.
  6. Elements not matching the text string will be filtered out.
  7. On the other hand, many services are built with a somewhat generic interface: One string goes in and one string comes out, or plain binary objects are exchanged.
  8. He had campaigned to keep string theorists out of the Harvard physics department and when it embraced string theory, he left.
  9. Shake hands all round-arrow on the string, Lucy-swords out, everyone else-and now for it.
  10. The paper gives a detailed analysis of the design method causing rod string dropout and points out its inadequacies.
  11. S We saw percent S which is a placeholder for a string, turns out as you'll see over time there are other placeholders.
  12. The first three beats are the major melody, and in the latter two beats, the string is plucked to make out sound of "Chacha", like rhythmic jumping.
  13. They had to string things out until the Duke arrived.
  14. Para-4: Instead of incrementally building a new list ( or string) out of the source string, why not move elements around within a single list?
  15. The players were told to string out across the field. Safe Distance between Base Stations and Airports, Highways, Railways, High-speed Rail, River
  16. The cable prestressing loss and web members damage experiment of a beam string structure was carried out.
  17. The analysis on the flow pattern in the fracturing string is carried out by applying Eulerian module in the software fluent.
  18. This connection string can get out of date when, for example, a project is shared from one developer to another.
  19. The leaning tower was reportedly one of the targets of a string of bombings carried out by the Sicilian Mafia in1993 though it was not hit.
  20. Length ( ink thread): Pick up a small amount of ink with an ink knife and allow it to flow down and finally string out.
  21. The string of the kite flew out of his hands.
  22. The promised two days string out to two weeks.
  23. The force analysis of the drill string is carried out to obtain the calculation formulas of its axial stress, bending stress, torsion stress, radial stress, circumferential stress and additional shearing stress.
  24. In the dissertation, using an adaptive zero-temperature string method, which was presented based on the zero-temperature string method, carries out the study of transition paths in rare events for complex systems with smooth energy landscape.
  25. A special method is proposed, by which the control string pulses out of computers are transmitted through a cable TV system.
  26. The authors establish a finite element model for the longitudinal damped free vibration of the compound string, and work out the characteristic value of multiple degrees of freedom by the Lanczos method.
  27. The feasibility study and field practice of original production string acidizing were carried out in light of the particularity of the acidizing in offshore oil fields.
  28. Studies on heat transfer calculation and thermal design on gravity heat pipe sucker rod string are carried out, and the method of heat transfer calculation for gravity pipe made from hollow sucker rod is put forward.



  1. set out or stretch in a line, succession, or series
    1. the houses were strung out in a long row

    Synonym:    spread out